Stephen Fry.. He did it, now Im doing it... A letter to me... At 16!
Miss Amy-Rae,
You’re going to be okay.
Listen to your Mother... As painful as it is, she is right.
You’ll never be waif thin... Stop whimpering about it and accept it.
Potential is not a bad word.
Braces are worth it!
You won’t be friends with people you are at the moment. Its true that you lose contact.
Dont sweat the little things.
Its okay to say no.
He isn’t the love of your life. Just the love of the moment.
Remember your seven year old self? Her dreams? Yeah, believe it or not, they come true.
Dont ever say anything in anger... Its not worth your Dad not talking to you for weeks on end. You will love him and miss him.
Remember who you are! Stand up for what’s right!
Green Door... Say no more...
Love me... from the future... :D
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
VLOG: Work Wear
So, this is my first VLOG. Dont laugh at me!!!
Forever New:
-Scarves x2 = $25
-Tshirt = $30
-Pants = $89.95
-Blouse - $49
Glebe Markets:
-'The Beatles' Necklace = $15
-Paris Pendant Clock Thingo = $25
Cotton on Body:
-Eye Mask = $4.95
Forever New:
-Scarves x2 = $25
-Tshirt = $30
-Pants = $89.95
-Blouse - $49
Glebe Markets:
-'The Beatles' Necklace = $15
-Paris Pendant Clock Thingo = $25
Cotton on Body:
-Eye Mask = $4.95
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
GetFit: Introduction
Summer is just around the corner and magazines are advertising every weightloss product/trick possible before they dare advise us what Swim Wear would be appropriate for our varying body shapes.
Ive never cared about summer. Usually I go into denial when summer hits us. I hybernate, im not social at all, I still wear long pants and jackets in the small hope of tricking my body into thinking its cold... The last time I owned (and wore) a swim suit I would have been about 10 years old!!! I did briefly own (and wear under multiple layers of clothes) a bikini in the summer of 06' but that was only because I was dating a surfer and wanted him to believe I could, you know, care...
But, as this winter leaves us I have decided that hybernating is not an option! I want to wear shorts without feeling self concious about the little fat packs on my knees or wear singlets and not worry about my tuck-shop arms; but most of all, I want to confidently strut out in a bathing suit.
While confessing this to a dear friend of mine she revealed that she too wanted to tone up for summer and together we decided that for 4 days of the week we are going to work our little booties into the summer bodies we want and love.
Monday is day one and this week (at some point) we are going to make a little excersise plan... I personally am going to be using the 'Beep Test' as an indicator for my fitness levels while my friend is yet to decide her test or even if she will have one (she, oh smart one, refuses to do the beep test!)
Im hoping to keep a little diary uploaded of our little GetFit adventure and hope you will be able to laugh at our mishaps, encourage our down moments and offer any advise to help us reach our goals.
SO, follow myself and my friend, Random Logic* (who's meaningful yet funny blog you can read here) in our journey to summer!!!
Love Always
*Evidently not her real name... Although, in this day and age it would be considered hip!
Ive never cared about summer. Usually I go into denial when summer hits us. I hybernate, im not social at all, I still wear long pants and jackets in the small hope of tricking my body into thinking its cold... The last time I owned (and wore) a swim suit I would have been about 10 years old!!! I did briefly own (and wear under multiple layers of clothes) a bikini in the summer of 06' but that was only because I was dating a surfer and wanted him to believe I could, you know, care...
But, as this winter leaves us I have decided that hybernating is not an option! I want to wear shorts without feeling self concious about the little fat packs on my knees or wear singlets and not worry about my tuck-shop arms; but most of all, I want to confidently strut out in a bathing suit.
While confessing this to a dear friend of mine she revealed that she too wanted to tone up for summer and together we decided that for 4 days of the week we are going to work our little booties into the summer bodies we want and love.
Monday is day one and this week (at some point) we are going to make a little excersise plan... I personally am going to be using the 'Beep Test' as an indicator for my fitness levels while my friend is yet to decide her test or even if she will have one (she, oh smart one, refuses to do the beep test!)
Im hoping to keep a little diary uploaded of our little GetFit adventure and hope you will be able to laugh at our mishaps, encourage our down moments and offer any advise to help us reach our goals.
SO, follow myself and my friend, Random Logic* (who's meaningful yet funny blog you can read here) in our journey to summer!!!
Love Always
*Evidently not her real name... Although, in this day and age it would be considered hip!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Commonwealth Bank
We live in such a negative society and it really grinds my gears. As a generally positive person I believe that complimenting someone on a job well done is just as important as notifying them when they have done badly.
Last Friday I had my purse stolen, which was devastating. The first thing I did was call my bank to cancel all my cards. I was put through to a wonderful girl name Maricel. She was so overwhelmingly sweet and kind and calm with me that by then end of the phone call I wanted her to be my best friend. She related to me, she laughed with me and she generally made my banking experience enjoyable.
As soon as I hung the phone up I remembered how little people in Customer Service receive compliments, so I promptly hopped onto the Commonwealth Banks website and filled in a 'Compliment' form.
Today I received feedback that she and her manager had been notified and I couldn't have felt better. I hoped that she was aptly rewarded for her exceptional skill...
I have a simple rule: Compliment someone when they do something out of their way. Complain if they do something VERY wrong... If you don't compliment people, you don't have the right to complain about people.
See, simple. Its all about give and take!
Thanks Commonwealth Bank for your ALWAYS exceptional service.
Last Friday I had my purse stolen, which was devastating. The first thing I did was call my bank to cancel all my cards. I was put through to a wonderful girl name Maricel. She was so overwhelmingly sweet and kind and calm with me that by then end of the phone call I wanted her to be my best friend. She related to me, she laughed with me and she generally made my banking experience enjoyable.
As soon as I hung the phone up I remembered how little people in Customer Service receive compliments, so I promptly hopped onto the Commonwealth Banks website and filled in a 'Compliment' form.
Today I received feedback that she and her manager had been notified and I couldn't have felt better. I hoped that she was aptly rewarded for her exceptional skill...
I have a simple rule: Compliment someone when they do something out of their way. Complain if they do something VERY wrong... If you don't compliment people, you don't have the right to complain about people.
See, simple. Its all about give and take!
Thanks Commonwealth Bank for your ALWAYS exceptional service.
Ugly Day

Im having an 'Ugly Day'... I hate 'Ugly Days' because the only thing you feel like doing is sitting in the bath and washing the 'Ugly' away. I used to refer to them as 'Meh Days' but I have completely bypassed that and named them what they truly are.
Its the day when you have dull skin and a few pimples pop up, its the day you feel bloated, its the day you feel sleepy, its the day you over slept your alarm and didnt get time to lather yourself in war paint or find *that* dress, its the day that you leave the house thinking 'I dont look so bad' and then catch yourself in a mirror or shop window and think 'Holy mother of christ, if I were a horse, they'd shoot me!'... Thats my day... An ugly day!
Today its so bad that Im sitting at my desk, hungry as a horse, but refuse to leave because I dont want people to see me. Im sipping tea and munching biscuits hoping it will tide me over until darkness hits the Sydney streets and I can go incognito!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Meaning of Life

I dont get time to watch many movies these days. I barely get time to read. But the last three texts I have consumed have made me think very seriously about the meaning of life. All three texts have the main characters meeting a moment of clarity shortly before their demise. A young man, a middle aged man and an old man, all figuiring out what they want or who they are when its all to late...
Ive always been a dreamer. Always thinking about the future and never living in the now. This subject makes you think, whats the point in planning for a future that may not come?
I have a lengthy bus ride home, but I have found the last few weeks, that it has gone very quickly. Purely because I have my head buried in an A4 notebook planning my goals, planning my future. Today, I sit in my office consumed by the boring tasks of my day in, day out job, thinking about when I will find my moment of clarity. When will I stop working for what is to come and start working for what is now?
I remember I used to speak to an elderly lady. Every Thursday. I started when I was about 12 and she passed away when I was 14. I loved her energy for life. She was 94 when I starting visiting. She was more lively than anyone I had met before. She shared with me tales of her many adventures around the world, her tale of her own naughty romances and finally settling down with 'the one'. She taught me to play piano, we read stories together and even at her ripe age, dreamed together. Toward the end of her life, I had stopped visiting. I had started High-School and thought it was more important to screw around with friends than visit an elderly lady. What I didnt realised was the profound effect that she had on me. Still to this day I think of her. Her spirit inspires me.
Im 19. I feel satisfied with very little in my life. I do the same thing everyday and I hate it. I think about how I could please my inner child but all I can think about is how dissapointed she is with me. I havent travelled, like I always wanted. I didnt go to University, like I always wanted. I dont have a smart and sassy outlook on life, like I always wanted. I am just a ghost who is passing through the motions of a very boring exsistence.
I keep saying Im going to change but I am most unfortunatley blessed with the un-canny ability to procrastinate...I procrastinate life...
The point of this blog is to ask, do we only meet our moment of clarity, a moment of sheer brilliance and happyness shorty before we pass? Is that the only time we are going to say 'Ohhhh, I get life now,' or 'I get why I was here'? or is it just a myth to comfort us? Do we ever truly know why we are? Do we ever stop climbing the staircase of life and just sit back and enjoy?
Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992) '
Meaning of Life,
Sunday, August 1, 2010

I had to share this photo... My Mum and Dad recently purchasd a scanner and have been scanning all of our photos. I dont recall ever seeing this photo before but it makes me laugh... One because thats a beer bottle (evidently empty, my parents werent raving drunks) but two because its a long neck bottle and most of its in my mouth! Dangrous much????
Guilty Pleasure
I walk into the store, watching my feet, to ashamed to look up or make eye contact with anyone else who dares enter. I guiltily shuffle up to the counter and mutter to the assistant ,who also radiates shame, what I have come into the store to purchase. I subtly look up and around, I make eye contact with another shopper and we both blush and immedietly break away. I am handed my purchase and money gets exchanged. 'How am I going to explan this?' I wonder to myself quietly.
I smuggle my new item into my bag and carefully walk outside, hoping not to run into anybody I know. Under the cover of dark, I still use my celebrity bug glasses to cover my face, just in case. I walk the back streets home, holding my bag close to my body, praying tonight isnt the night I'm mugged because of the sheer embarassment of the item in my bag. I get home and carefully check to see If I am alone. Bliss, I am.
I get my guilty pleasure out of my bag and stare at it for a few glorious minutes but before long I can no longer resist its temptations. I carefully slide it out of its packaging, checking the house once more for its emptiness. Before long I am in pure heaven. My heart rate increases, my mind relaxes and I begin to wonder why I would be so ashamed to like such a thing?
But im not talking about anything thats purchased in a dark and dingy alley way, or a dirty shop with no windows. Im talking about fast food.
When did we become so ashamed to purchase fast food? I blame Morgan Spurlock and his stupid campaign against McDonalds. The facts are, most people enjoy fast food. If such a vast majority of people disliked it then why are so many chain outlets still open? Getting someone to admitt they like fast food is like getting someone to admitt they like to masturbate. We ALL do it, we ALL enjoy it and lying about it just makes us feel better and cleaner about ourselves.
I currently live with a man who talks about fast food like its the latest AIDs virus. But I know his dirty little secret, he eats it... And why would he eat it if he didnt enjoy it?
We all feel better when the conversation of fast food comes up if we all pull that same disgusted face and say 'Oh no, I dont dare eat fast food. Do you know how processed it is? Or what its made of? Did you know if you leave a cheese burger in the fridge for a year it is still the same as the day you left it? Ergh, I cant imagine how many preservatives they pack into those little burgers!'
Well, Im here to tell you all something! I LOVE FAST FOOD! I love the fact that it looks the same a year after purchase, I love the fact that its fat content is enough for a week, I love the fact that its over processed junk! LOVE LOVE LOVE! It tastes good, its convinient, it fills you up and if you eat it as a treat it DOESNT AFFECT YOU WHAT SO EVER!
So to all the high nosed toss bags out there who 'poohoo' the junk food phenomenon, I poohoo you and your non doughnut, non pizza eating backsides...
I bet you are the same bunch of people who sit on your high horses and claim 'I wouldnt dare even think about masterbation, how dirty!'

adios and happy hamburgers
I smuggle my new item into my bag and carefully walk outside, hoping not to run into anybody I know. Under the cover of dark, I still use my celebrity bug glasses to cover my face, just in case. I walk the back streets home, holding my bag close to my body, praying tonight isnt the night I'm mugged because of the sheer embarassment of the item in my bag. I get home and carefully check to see If I am alone. Bliss, I am.
I get my guilty pleasure out of my bag and stare at it for a few glorious minutes but before long I can no longer resist its temptations. I carefully slide it out of its packaging, checking the house once more for its emptiness. Before long I am in pure heaven. My heart rate increases, my mind relaxes and I begin to wonder why I would be so ashamed to like such a thing?
But im not talking about anything thats purchased in a dark and dingy alley way, or a dirty shop with no windows. Im talking about fast food.
When did we become so ashamed to purchase fast food? I blame Morgan Spurlock and his stupid campaign against McDonalds. The facts are, most people enjoy fast food. If such a vast majority of people disliked it then why are so many chain outlets still open? Getting someone to admitt they like fast food is like getting someone to admitt they like to masturbate. We ALL do it, we ALL enjoy it and lying about it just makes us feel better and cleaner about ourselves.
I currently live with a man who talks about fast food like its the latest AIDs virus. But I know his dirty little secret, he eats it... And why would he eat it if he didnt enjoy it?
We all feel better when the conversation of fast food comes up if we all pull that same disgusted face and say 'Oh no, I dont dare eat fast food. Do you know how processed it is? Or what its made of? Did you know if you leave a cheese burger in the fridge for a year it is still the same as the day you left it? Ergh, I cant imagine how many preservatives they pack into those little burgers!'
Well, Im here to tell you all something! I LOVE FAST FOOD! I love the fact that it looks the same a year after purchase, I love the fact that its fat content is enough for a week, I love the fact that its over processed junk! LOVE LOVE LOVE! It tastes good, its convinient, it fills you up and if you eat it as a treat it DOESNT AFFECT YOU WHAT SO EVER!
So to all the high nosed toss bags out there who 'poohoo' the junk food phenomenon, I poohoo you and your non doughnut, non pizza eating backsides...
I bet you are the same bunch of people who sit on your high horses and claim 'I wouldnt dare even think about masterbation, how dirty!'

adios and happy hamburgers
Sunday, June 20, 2010
With A Little Help From My Friends!
Of all the things i have ever under-estimated in my life, the power of friendship would have to be at the top of the list.
I've always considered myself to be a bit of a lone ranger. In school I wasn't a 'best-friend' type of person. I had friends, a group of mismatched people hanging out together because we happened to be in the same age group. We looked out for each other and helped each other when necassary. When High School ended I wasnt sad to see the end of many of those friendships. We all went our different ways and with the exception of the odd update on Facebook I have no idea what most of them are doing.
When I moved to Sydney the one warning I got most was that it was going to be lonely. I didnt know anyone aside from my Uncle. At first I loved it. I enjoyed my own company; but after a while I didnt like it. I was lonely, I craved someone to have coffee with and talk about things that mattered to me. Whether it be the latest politics or just the fact that I was worried my hair looked overly fuzzy, i craved the company of another.
I dont know how, but I fell accross a wonderful blog called Splat!. I dont recall my first post, all I know is that it has to be one of the most addictive things on planet earth. I was able to vent my frustration on FOF or think back over a weekend with MMM. What I didnt realise is, that it was the beginning of something amazing. It started one FOF when I complained I had nothing to do when fellow Splatter, Rydell, asked me to join her for high tea. At first I had a million excuses run through my head as to why I should avoid the meeting at all costs but my heart won and I went to meet this kind stranger. Well, I had the best time. I felt like we had known each other our whole lives. We are very different but at the same time we clicked.
Soon after I started emailing, tweeting, texting and talking to several other Splatters and my life went from being a boring event to something I wanted to talk about.
But I still didnt recoginise the power of friendship untill the past weekend.
I never realised how much someone else's emotional state can impact my own.
To the point where, when a friend does not get her dream, or she invests so much time and effort only to be told no, it breaks my heart into a million pieces. Or when another friend welcomes a new family member I feel my heart flutter with joy and hope! When another friend returns from a trip from a warm tropical climate to this cold dreary Sydney winter, I feel the cold just that much more! Even when two people, who are so deserving, find each other, i want to cry tears of joy.
But why have I only noticed my love of friendship this weekend?
Because people noticed my friendship... All through my life I have never been noticed as a friend, just that extra who tags along. People care about my feelings and notice when im down. People want me to be apart of their lives, making physical effort to see or talk to me. They catch onto my quirks and remember them. They dont make fun of my fears, instead try and help me overcome them. They tell me I am something, that I can achieve my dreams. They give me the lift I need when I feel I cant grasp my desires.
'The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed'
So to all my friends, I love you!
I've always considered myself to be a bit of a lone ranger. In school I wasn't a 'best-friend' type of person. I had friends, a group of mismatched people hanging out together because we happened to be in the same age group. We looked out for each other and helped each other when necassary. When High School ended I wasnt sad to see the end of many of those friendships. We all went our different ways and with the exception of the odd update on Facebook I have no idea what most of them are doing.
When I moved to Sydney the one warning I got most was that it was going to be lonely. I didnt know anyone aside from my Uncle. At first I loved it. I enjoyed my own company; but after a while I didnt like it. I was lonely, I craved someone to have coffee with and talk about things that mattered to me. Whether it be the latest politics or just the fact that I was worried my hair looked overly fuzzy, i craved the company of another.
I dont know how, but I fell accross a wonderful blog called Splat!. I dont recall my first post, all I know is that it has to be one of the most addictive things on planet earth. I was able to vent my frustration on FOF or think back over a weekend with MMM. What I didnt realise is, that it was the beginning of something amazing. It started one FOF when I complained I had nothing to do when fellow Splatter, Rydell, asked me to join her for high tea. At first I had a million excuses run through my head as to why I should avoid the meeting at all costs but my heart won and I went to meet this kind stranger. Well, I had the best time. I felt like we had known each other our whole lives. We are very different but at the same time we clicked.
Soon after I started emailing, tweeting, texting and talking to several other Splatters and my life went from being a boring event to something I wanted to talk about.
But I still didnt recoginise the power of friendship untill the past weekend.
I never realised how much someone else's emotional state can impact my own.
To the point where, when a friend does not get her dream, or she invests so much time and effort only to be told no, it breaks my heart into a million pieces. Or when another friend welcomes a new family member I feel my heart flutter with joy and hope! When another friend returns from a trip from a warm tropical climate to this cold dreary Sydney winter, I feel the cold just that much more! Even when two people, who are so deserving, find each other, i want to cry tears of joy.
But why have I only noticed my love of friendship this weekend?
Because people noticed my friendship... All through my life I have never been noticed as a friend, just that extra who tags along. People care about my feelings and notice when im down. People want me to be apart of their lives, making physical effort to see or talk to me. They catch onto my quirks and remember them. They dont make fun of my fears, instead try and help me overcome them. They tell me I am something, that I can achieve my dreams. They give me the lift I need when I feel I cant grasp my desires.
'The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed'
So to all my friends, I love you!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Jessica 'Twit' Watson
Am I the only Australian who thinks that Jessica Watson is the most over-rated, stupid, attention seeking teenager there is?
People are saying she deserves an award for her bravery! Her bravery in what? Being a complete idiot? Suceeding in being a complete idiot?
There are teenagers in the world who have to deal with things like abusive parents, bullies, worrying about what to eat from one day to the next yet this little rich girl (im assuming, not many people can afford a yacht lifestyle without coming from some money), who decided she wanted to break a world record, has Australians calling for bravery medals.
Its kids that have to deal with everyday hardships that deserve medals, not Jessica Watson.
People are saying she deserves an award for her bravery! Her bravery in what? Being a complete idiot? Suceeding in being a complete idiot?
There are teenagers in the world who have to deal with things like abusive parents, bullies, worrying about what to eat from one day to the next yet this little rich girl (im assuming, not many people can afford a yacht lifestyle without coming from some money), who decided she wanted to break a world record, has Australians calling for bravery medals.
Its kids that have to deal with everyday hardships that deserve medals, not Jessica Watson.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Rules of Attraction
Whats the one thing that really turns you off of the opposite sex?
I had a long discussion with my house mate last night after he came home from a date. He was less than pleased with how the date had panned out. It turns out that the girl was still be controlled by her ex of 5 months... (Are you wondering 'What the?' because I certainly was) but that was not what turned him off, he was turned off by the fact that she was 'fat'.
Now most girls in my situation would have smakced him over the back of the head and told him to stop being a prick, however that would be the pot calling the kettle black.
I think he is allowed to be picky about the weight of the girl he is dating, after all, it isnt his type. He is extremely sporty and has expressed the want to date someone who is equally as sporty. It would be relationship doomed to fail, he just didnt want to spend time pussy footing around. I congratulate him for that.
But then it got me thinking, what happens if he is missing out on the perfect girl because she is a little bit curvier? I know plenty of sporty girls who appear to be bigger, he could be missing out based on appearances.
I usually date very thin men. Im not a huge fan of muscle men or bulky men. I did, a while back go out with a guy who was 'chubbier' and he was lovely! I definatley thought it was worth it and disregarded that he didnt fit my usual 'type' (tall, thin, very defined bone structure or as my Mum describes them 'Greyhounds'). Unfortunatley it didnt work for other reasons!
Im not the type of person who sticks to my 'type', im really not that shallow or naive but I do know that there are a few aspects that will turn me off of a guy completely. I cant stand sitting accross from a guy who is a noisy, messy, grotty eater. There is nothing worse! I WILL make up an excuse to leave ASAP... I dont like guys who sit there and make fun of other people... I once went on a date with a guy who, by the very quick end, almost ended up with a black eye! He sat there and made fun of a guy behind me who was asleep, then a guy who happened to be over weight, then some children and so on and so on... The only time he wasnt making fun of others was when he was showing me drunken videos of himself. Smelly, Whiny, Rude and Badly dressed will also get the kick...
Im sure my list is longer but they are the things that come to mind now.
Things that impress me on a date are less relevant than things the dont impress me... Any one ever find that?
Anyway, im dying to find out whats on other peoples lists of Definate No No's on a date? Or whether or not you stick to your type??? Tell all!!!
Poppit xo
I had a long discussion with my house mate last night after he came home from a date. He was less than pleased with how the date had panned out. It turns out that the girl was still be controlled by her ex of 5 months... (Are you wondering 'What the?' because I certainly was) but that was not what turned him off, he was turned off by the fact that she was 'fat'.
Now most girls in my situation would have smakced him over the back of the head and told him to stop being a prick, however that would be the pot calling the kettle black.
I think he is allowed to be picky about the weight of the girl he is dating, after all, it isnt his type. He is extremely sporty and has expressed the want to date someone who is equally as sporty. It would be relationship doomed to fail, he just didnt want to spend time pussy footing around. I congratulate him for that.
But then it got me thinking, what happens if he is missing out on the perfect girl because she is a little bit curvier? I know plenty of sporty girls who appear to be bigger, he could be missing out based on appearances.
I usually date very thin men. Im not a huge fan of muscle men or bulky men. I did, a while back go out with a guy who was 'chubbier' and he was lovely! I definatley thought it was worth it and disregarded that he didnt fit my usual 'type' (tall, thin, very defined bone structure or as my Mum describes them 'Greyhounds'). Unfortunatley it didnt work for other reasons!
Im not the type of person who sticks to my 'type', im really not that shallow or naive but I do know that there are a few aspects that will turn me off of a guy completely. I cant stand sitting accross from a guy who is a noisy, messy, grotty eater. There is nothing worse! I WILL make up an excuse to leave ASAP... I dont like guys who sit there and make fun of other people... I once went on a date with a guy who, by the very quick end, almost ended up with a black eye! He sat there and made fun of a guy behind me who was asleep, then a guy who happened to be over weight, then some children and so on and so on... The only time he wasnt making fun of others was when he was showing me drunken videos of himself. Smelly, Whiny, Rude and Badly dressed will also get the kick...
Im sure my list is longer but they are the things that come to mind now.
Things that impress me on a date are less relevant than things the dont impress me... Any one ever find that?
Anyway, im dying to find out whats on other peoples lists of Definate No No's on a date? Or whether or not you stick to your type??? Tell all!!!
Poppit xo
Little Miss Diva
Could someone please explain to me WHY people have floors that you cant wear shoes on? What the heck is the point?
Allow me to explain my issue:
Argh! Anybody who knows me understands that I LIVE in high heels! I own three pairs of flat shoes, Runners for running, Thongs for taking out the rubbish and a cute pair of Gladiators.
If I could, I would sleep in my heels.
When i first moved into my beautiful North Shore apartment with my room-mate it seemed nothing could bring me down off the high of the subtle yet mind blowingly amazing, modern house that I was paying very little rent to live in...That was until Roomy and I decided to go out... Of course, I had to get changed out of my daggy (flat shoed) moving clothes and into a nice sparkly/fluffy singlet, a pair of Skinny Jeans and my favourite pair of nude Tony Biancos... Should have seen the look on my Room-Mates face! It looked like I had just killed his mother using a kitten as a smothering device!!!
'OFF THE FLOOR' he practically screamed!!! I tip toed off the floor,ensuring my heels left no dents and came back with a shocked expression.
Since then it has been an on-going joke between me and well, me. I frequently make fun of roomy for paying a fortune to have floors that people aren't allowed to walk on... Now, I will admit, they are exceptionally nice floors and he takes care of them so that they are immaculate but couldn't he find a floor that was durable and looked pretty????
This isn't the first time this has happened to me. My Aunt built a house in the middle of the sticks and my first visit over there I almost ended up with amputated legs!!! Again, it was an on-going joke for me that I didn't understand why you would have a floor that someone cant walk on!
Then there was the time I went to my friends house when I was in high school, again, newly built... This time I wasn't wearing heels, due to the school uniform policy (and my disgust) I was wearing sandals... I just walked into the house...Not a second thought.... Until my friends WHOLE family looked at me like I was the grim reaper... My friend kindly whispered in my ear that shoes on the new floors were not appreciated!
Again, another joke for me...
I really don't get it! I pay a lot of money for my shoes, I want to wear them, I feel uncomfortable without them!!!
Now people will argue that they pay a lot of money for their floor, but why have a nice floor if people aren't allowed to walk on it!!??
I think its exceptionally rude when people ask me to removed my shoes! I cant begin to tell you how uncomfortable I am without my shoes on. I dislike feet, I dislike the thought of people seeing my feet, i dislike the idea (and this happens A LOT) of people thinking its okay that, because i have removed my shoes at the door, they are allowed to try them on and prance around outside in them!!!
If I ever build a home, I'm going to have concrete and tiles!!! Easy to clean and no-one will get shitty at you for having shoes on them!!!
Here is a message to people who don't like shoes on their floors: 'If you don't like it, be prepared to have pissy visitors! Also, if you feel the need to ask me to remove a piece of my clothing, please supply a chair so that on the occasions that I'm wearing a dress and shoes that are particularly hard to remove I don't have to sit my precious backside on your over-rated floor and flash the world!!!'
This is one of my diva traits!
Get used to it!
Poppit xo
Allow me to explain my issue:
Argh! Anybody who knows me understands that I LIVE in high heels! I own three pairs of flat shoes, Runners for running, Thongs for taking out the rubbish and a cute pair of Gladiators.
If I could, I would sleep in my heels.
When i first moved into my beautiful North Shore apartment with my room-mate it seemed nothing could bring me down off the high of the subtle yet mind blowingly amazing, modern house that I was paying very little rent to live in...That was until Roomy and I decided to go out... Of course, I had to get changed out of my daggy (flat shoed) moving clothes and into a nice sparkly/fluffy singlet, a pair of Skinny Jeans and my favourite pair of nude Tony Biancos... Should have seen the look on my Room-Mates face! It looked like I had just killed his mother using a kitten as a smothering device!!!
'OFF THE FLOOR' he practically screamed!!! I tip toed off the floor,ensuring my heels left no dents and came back with a shocked expression.
Since then it has been an on-going joke between me and well, me. I frequently make fun of roomy for paying a fortune to have floors that people aren't allowed to walk on... Now, I will admit, they are exceptionally nice floors and he takes care of them so that they are immaculate but couldn't he find a floor that was durable and looked pretty????
This isn't the first time this has happened to me. My Aunt built a house in the middle of the sticks and my first visit over there I almost ended up with amputated legs!!! Again, it was an on-going joke for me that I didn't understand why you would have a floor that someone cant walk on!
Then there was the time I went to my friends house when I was in high school, again, newly built... This time I wasn't wearing heels, due to the school uniform policy (and my disgust) I was wearing sandals... I just walked into the house...Not a second thought.... Until my friends WHOLE family looked at me like I was the grim reaper... My friend kindly whispered in my ear that shoes on the new floors were not appreciated!
Again, another joke for me...
I really don't get it! I pay a lot of money for my shoes, I want to wear them, I feel uncomfortable without them!!!
Now people will argue that they pay a lot of money for their floor, but why have a nice floor if people aren't allowed to walk on it!!??
I think its exceptionally rude when people ask me to removed my shoes! I cant begin to tell you how uncomfortable I am without my shoes on. I dislike feet, I dislike the thought of people seeing my feet, i dislike the idea (and this happens A LOT) of people thinking its okay that, because i have removed my shoes at the door, they are allowed to try them on and prance around outside in them!!!
If I ever build a home, I'm going to have concrete and tiles!!! Easy to clean and no-one will get shitty at you for having shoes on them!!!
Here is a message to people who don't like shoes on their floors: 'If you don't like it, be prepared to have pissy visitors! Also, if you feel the need to ask me to remove a piece of my clothing, please supply a chair so that on the occasions that I'm wearing a dress and shoes that are particularly hard to remove I don't have to sit my precious backside on your over-rated floor and flash the world!!!'
This is one of my diva traits!
Get used to it!
Poppit xo
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Food for Thought
Im completely and utterly disgusted and not for the reasons everyone else is!
Two students, who are not in love and happily and freely admitt they are marrying for money are allowed to marry under they eyes of the law, yet gay couples who are geuinley in love are not!!!!
W.T.F moment of the day! Year! Decade!
A Very Angry Poppit!
Im completely and utterly disgusted and not for the reasons everyone else is!
Two students, who are not in love and happily and freely admitt they are marrying for money are allowed to marry under they eyes of the law, yet gay couples who are geuinley in love are not!!!!
W.T.F moment of the day! Year! Decade!
A Very Angry Poppit!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Please and Thankyou
Whatever happened to saying please and thankyou?
My Mum taught me from a very young age that you ALWAYS say please when you’re asking for something and ALWAYS say thank you after receiving something. Even if the person you’re asking/receiving from is a rude and arrogant prick you ALWAYS say thank you. No exceptions.
This is well ingrained. I always say please and thank you. When I go to the checkout at the super market, while I may not say ‘please may you serve me,’ I do have a general attitude that is friendly. I will ask the cashier how their day is and various other questions that most probably bother them no end. Then, when they finish my transaction I say thank-you.
In the Mornings when I get my coffee, I don’t have to ask for it any more, my baristas see me coming, but I always leave with my foam cup raised in the air and say ‘Thank you Gentlemen, have a wonderful day!’
Whenever I step onto a bus I will cheerily (even in the mornings before my coffee) greet the bus driver and when I skip off, regardless of how busy the bus may be, I will shout back a thank you and wave.
Even if I am having the shittiest day and I feel like the whole world is against me I will always make an effort to be friendly to people in customer service, because it’s a guarantee that they have had a far shittier, underappreciated day than I have.
I am astounded by the multitudes of people who lack common manners. A very small percentage of people say please or thankyou in any of the situations I stated above. I was having this conversation the other day with a friend and he kindly told me that he thanks volunteers and he thanks people who give him directions, but he refuses to thank someone that is being paid to provide a service.
I had no response. Yes they are being paid to provide a service, yes they are being paid to be friendly but is it really that hard to say thank you? Thank you for choosing this job so at the end of the day I don’t have to drive home? Thank you for choosing this job so I don’t have to pack my own groceries? Thank you for choosing this job so that I don’t have to drink instant coffee?
Thank you for choosing this most probably under paid and underappreciated job...
I remember when I was a teenager I LOVED customer service. I still do. I often think that if I ever was to leave my current job I would head straight for customer service work. I remember often going out of my way to provide service for customers, pricks or not, because I enjoyed working with people. I never did it because I wanted to be thanked, I did it because I enjoyed it, but do you know how special it was when a customer was nice back? When a customer appreciated my hard work? When a customer called the Myer store and told them how fantastic I was?
It was amazing to know I was appreciated.
Now I’m not saying every time you leave a store you automatically have to call up and report on the service that was provided for you, but next time you are on a bus, in a store or getting coffee, remember to say please and thank you... Even ask how the person’s day is, what their plans are for the evening or even what their favourite colour is! Treat them like a friend because unless they have done something truly horrible to you, they are NOT your enemy.
My Mum taught me from a very young age that you ALWAYS say please when you’re asking for something and ALWAYS say thank you after receiving something. Even if the person you’re asking/receiving from is a rude and arrogant prick you ALWAYS say thank you. No exceptions.
This is well ingrained. I always say please and thank you. When I go to the checkout at the super market, while I may not say ‘please may you serve me,’ I do have a general attitude that is friendly. I will ask the cashier how their day is and various other questions that most probably bother them no end. Then, when they finish my transaction I say thank-you.
In the Mornings when I get my coffee, I don’t have to ask for it any more, my baristas see me coming, but I always leave with my foam cup raised in the air and say ‘Thank you Gentlemen, have a wonderful day!’
Whenever I step onto a bus I will cheerily (even in the mornings before my coffee) greet the bus driver and when I skip off, regardless of how busy the bus may be, I will shout back a thank you and wave.
Even if I am having the shittiest day and I feel like the whole world is against me I will always make an effort to be friendly to people in customer service, because it’s a guarantee that they have had a far shittier, underappreciated day than I have.
I am astounded by the multitudes of people who lack common manners. A very small percentage of people say please or thankyou in any of the situations I stated above. I was having this conversation the other day with a friend and he kindly told me that he thanks volunteers and he thanks people who give him directions, but he refuses to thank someone that is being paid to provide a service.
I had no response. Yes they are being paid to provide a service, yes they are being paid to be friendly but is it really that hard to say thank you? Thank you for choosing this job so at the end of the day I don’t have to drive home? Thank you for choosing this job so I don’t have to pack my own groceries? Thank you for choosing this job so that I don’t have to drink instant coffee?
Thank you for choosing this most probably under paid and underappreciated job...
I remember when I was a teenager I LOVED customer service. I still do. I often think that if I ever was to leave my current job I would head straight for customer service work. I remember often going out of my way to provide service for customers, pricks or not, because I enjoyed working with people. I never did it because I wanted to be thanked, I did it because I enjoyed it, but do you know how special it was when a customer was nice back? When a customer appreciated my hard work? When a customer called the Myer store and told them how fantastic I was?
It was amazing to know I was appreciated.
Now I’m not saying every time you leave a store you automatically have to call up and report on the service that was provided for you, but next time you are on a bus, in a store or getting coffee, remember to say please and thank you... Even ask how the person’s day is, what their plans are for the evening or even what their favourite colour is! Treat them like a friend because unless they have done something truly horrible to you, they are NOT your enemy.
Monday, March 22, 2010
!!!!Hot Cross Buns!!!!
Okay, Super Excited!!!
I’m not a big Easter person; I’m not religious, I don’t like chocolate that much and Im not really near family, so it currently has little to no significance in my life.
HOWEVER! I l-o-v-e hot-cross buns and today on my way to work I had my first one for the Easter season... It was delicious. I only wish I wasn’t in such a rush and had more time to savour the wonderful treat that it was...
Bring on a long weekend of Hot-Cross-Bun gorging!!!
I’m not a big Easter person; I’m not religious, I don’t like chocolate that much and Im not really near family, so it currently has little to no significance in my life.
HOWEVER! I l-o-v-e hot-cross buns and today on my way to work I had my first one for the Easter season... It was delicious. I only wish I wasn’t in such a rush and had more time to savour the wonderful treat that it was...
Bring on a long weekend of Hot-Cross-Bun gorging!!!

Me a stones throw away from my new house in the North Shore
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything and I feel bad because other blog writers update as much as once a night!
I have come across a few topics over the past two weeks that are worthy of talking about but when I finally became inspired to write I forgot them all. The two things that are well and truly ruling my head at the moment is the difference between Inner West V North Shore and exercise.
I’m sure most of you will be bored to here a full blog on how I started running again and almost died... Cremorne is severely different to Sydney’s Inner west... So. Many. Hills... Let’s just say that my ass and I aren’t the best of friends today...
The biggest and most outstanding difference to me is the Public Transport. Hopping on a bus now (compared to hopping on a bus two weeks ago) is less of a gamble with your life, however, with the exception of a pretty view; it’s a very boring ride. Every second person is either on their Blackberry or they are reading some excessively thick book about an excessively boring topic like ‘How to Watch Paint Dry and Analyse’. I’m a people watcher, so this, for me, is BORING.
The Inner West, you never have to line up for a bus. It’s pretty much a case of the stronger, faster people get on first. You never have to run for busses in The North Shore because, even if you did, you would have to wait in a long-ass line first. You get NO Bogans on the North Shore busses either. They were my favourite people once upon a time. They were loud and obnoxious, but always made people laugh.
I remember one of my first bus rides in Sydney. There were two girls, absolutely off their faces, who clambered on the bus after me. They danced and sang, insulted everybody and then classily, when getting off, threw up on the floor and fell over revealing a whole hell of a lot more crack than a breach baby. Least to say we were all disgusted. Now that I’m riding a bus full of people who would swear to you that they don’t defecate and that, if they did, it would smell of roses, i miss the throwing up, smashed people. The most rebellious thing that happens on a North Shore bus is that someone hasn’t got the latest Blackberry...
Now I’m not complaining about the North Shore. It’s an amazing place to live, beautiful views, nice coffee shops, friendly (most of the time) people and a generally safe area to live. It’s not too far from the city either, which makes me happy.
But I really do miss the craziness of the Inner West. The interesting and unique people, the whacky markets, the smell of all the different foods cooking on Glebe Point Road or Leichhardt’s Norton Street...
I miss the homeless people who, even tho they have nothing, still insist on reminding you that you are beautiful (yeah, I know it’s a gimmick to get spare change, but when I’m having a bad day, I don’t mind sparing $5)
As I stated earlier, I started running again. This is when I really feel like I miss the Inner West. Everybody, different shapes and sizes, could be found on the running tracks in the Inner West. Different fitness levels, people with dogs, cats and even ferrets (yep, saw a guy running with three ferrets once) could be found running down by Blackwattle Bay. Now I’m running along (usually looking like I’m about to drop dead) looking at all the plastic chested women and buff men barely breaking a sweat. I don’t dislike it, it’s nice to see buff men and I appreciate seeing a well worked out woman (its inspiring!).
Its all just a tad different....
I don’t regret my move at all. I’m living with a wonderful guy who I get along with very well, I’m in an area I enjoy and am able to (if I want too), catch a ferry to work. Its wonderful, but like when I moved from the Barossa Valley (South Australia) to Glebe (New South Wales), you miss stuff... This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy my new area, it just means that I’m getting used to my new area.
Where is everybody else? What are the things you love about moving to a new area and what are the things you miss from some of the older areas you used to live?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Im Out Of Here!
My excitement factor is through the roof today! I’m moving out of Crazy town and into, what I hope, will be a normal home.
For the past four months, I have been the entertainment at most forums with my tales of my whacky housemate, and while I have enjoyed that status, I can’t wait to be normal again. From polishing her latex backside to having ‘normal’ conversations with her while she prances around in her birthday suit it has certainly been quite the ride.
So, a quick thank you to everybody who listened to my crazy stories and told me to laugh about my situation and not cry! I promise I have a few stories stored for when we are all having a down day.
For the past four months, I have been the entertainment at most forums with my tales of my whacky housemate, and while I have enjoyed that status, I can’t wait to be normal again. From polishing her latex backside to having ‘normal’ conversations with her while she prances around in her birthday suit it has certainly been quite the ride.
So, a quick thank you to everybody who listened to my crazy stories and told me to laugh about my situation and not cry! I promise I have a few stories stored for when we are all having a down day.
Friday, March 12, 2010
That Singular Girl
Since moving and well and truly becoming a singular, I find it hard to take myself along to places and events that I normally attended with another. Today, while standing at the bus stop I couldn’t help but wonder when these places/events became something for people in pairs or more. Take the movies for example; commonly it is an event that you go to with another... When the hell did that become the rule?
I was talking to a friend recently and I told her I was going to the cinemas alone. She laughed and made fun of me (no, she isn’t a great friend but that’s a tale for another day!) and since then i haven’t been able to even think about it. Currently there are a million and one movies that I want to see and only today did i even consider going.
However I got outside the cinema, a green tea with fig jelly in hand all pumped to see ‘Up in the Air’ and I couldn’t go in. I didn’t want to be ‘that’ person. All I could hear was my (old) friend talking about how she loved seeing singulars in the cinema and throwing popcorn at them or making up fake stories about them...
Before I heard this particular person dissing people who are confident enough to go to cafes alone, I was one of those people. There is nothing better than sitting in your favourite cafe with a good book/magazine and just relaxing. Now, I always go to bed telling myself that that is my big plan for the next day only to inevitably talk myself out of it.
Even going out to a bar and having a nice cold beer on the way home from work; I used to love doing that! It was the perfect way to end the day, now and in my current situation, I come home, get some hideous takeout and cower in my room hoping I don’t have to listen to one of Crazy’s sex romps!
My biggest issue about this whole situation is, I don’t mind being alone. I find comfort in not having to make small chit-chat or the having to review a movie five seconds after you’ve seen it. I like having my own thoughts, un-interrupted by someone slurping across the table from me. I like my own company, it’s just now I am so scared of how other people see me when I’m alone that I’m to paranoid to even consider going out by myself.
The reality of this whole situation is that, most people who are out aren’t paying ANY attention to you. They aren’t wondering why you’re alone and they aren’t making assumptions about how you could have a million cats back home. Its all in my head because one girl, one girl who can’t even walk into a grocery store alone, has evil thoughts about people who are comfortable enough in themselves to enjoy their own company.
My goal for the next few weeks is to become comfortable in going out on my own again. I am going to try and see a movie by myself and start going to cafe’s again.
Do you find there are any places you can’t go without someone else?
Poppit xo
I was talking to a friend recently and I told her I was going to the cinemas alone. She laughed and made fun of me (no, she isn’t a great friend but that’s a tale for another day!) and since then i haven’t been able to even think about it. Currently there are a million and one movies that I want to see and only today did i even consider going.
However I got outside the cinema, a green tea with fig jelly in hand all pumped to see ‘Up in the Air’ and I couldn’t go in. I didn’t want to be ‘that’ person. All I could hear was my (old) friend talking about how she loved seeing singulars in the cinema and throwing popcorn at them or making up fake stories about them...
Before I heard this particular person dissing people who are confident enough to go to cafes alone, I was one of those people. There is nothing better than sitting in your favourite cafe with a good book/magazine and just relaxing. Now, I always go to bed telling myself that that is my big plan for the next day only to inevitably talk myself out of it.
Even going out to a bar and having a nice cold beer on the way home from work; I used to love doing that! It was the perfect way to end the day, now and in my current situation, I come home, get some hideous takeout and cower in my room hoping I don’t have to listen to one of Crazy’s sex romps!
My biggest issue about this whole situation is, I don’t mind being alone. I find comfort in not having to make small chit-chat or the having to review a movie five seconds after you’ve seen it. I like having my own thoughts, un-interrupted by someone slurping across the table from me. I like my own company, it’s just now I am so scared of how other people see me when I’m alone that I’m to paranoid to even consider going out by myself.
The reality of this whole situation is that, most people who are out aren’t paying ANY attention to you. They aren’t wondering why you’re alone and they aren’t making assumptions about how you could have a million cats back home. Its all in my head because one girl, one girl who can’t even walk into a grocery store alone, has evil thoughts about people who are comfortable enough in themselves to enjoy their own company.
My goal for the next few weeks is to become comfortable in going out on my own again. I am going to try and see a movie by myself and start going to cafe’s again.
Do you find there are any places you can’t go without someone else?
Poppit xo
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I see fellow Gen Yers getting cetrelink payments, living with and off of their parents and spending most of their nights at some random club blowing it all on booze then bitching on facebook about how 'poor' they are.
Then I know people who are in the Armed Forces who work on and off shifts, it just so happens that when they are ON shift, they have to take stress leave. These particular people havent been overseas nor have they seen action. From my understanding they sit behind a desk all day and bark orders. They live in some McMansion with all the perfect trimmings.
Then there is me, I work 5 days a week (sometimes 6) from 7 in the morning till 5 at night. I work pretty hard and I put the effort in. I get a pittance. I dont enjoy my job, there is no room for growth and there is nothing uplifting or positive about it. Its just a job! I complain about how poor I am frequently and about how I want the lavish lifestyle.
But then I sit back and read the news. People in Haiti, a third world country, were hit while they were down. They have 5 year olds 'working' every day of the week for nothing because thats just how it works. Do you think we hear them complaining about how they dont have the latest fashion accessory ? Or about how they dont get a lavish dinner one of the finest resturants around?
Perhaps its a different version of complaining, perhaps they whinge about how they actually want to eat dinner instead of going hungry or how they want to drink clean water instead of tossing up between infection or dehydration...
It puts things in perspective when your having a bad day...It really does. I have no idea what its like to have a tough life. I have a loving family, I have friends who, although some of them ive never properly met, I certainly trust. I am healthy, smart and I have so many oppurtunities!
So while I may not be rich in money, I am rich in life. And while on days, i sit back and wish for more material things, I thank my lucky stars that I have what ive got!
I heard a quote once, its my favourite quote and if anyone can tell me who originally said it I will be eternally grateful!
'If you cant see the bright side of life; polish the dull side,'
Thats what the people of Haiti are doing, maybe we should all take out our shining cloths and do the same thing.
Poppit xo
Then I know people who are in the Armed Forces who work on and off shifts, it just so happens that when they are ON shift, they have to take stress leave. These particular people havent been overseas nor have they seen action. From my understanding they sit behind a desk all day and bark orders. They live in some McMansion with all the perfect trimmings.
Then there is me, I work 5 days a week (sometimes 6) from 7 in the morning till 5 at night. I work pretty hard and I put the effort in. I get a pittance. I dont enjoy my job, there is no room for growth and there is nothing uplifting or positive about it. Its just a job! I complain about how poor I am frequently and about how I want the lavish lifestyle.
But then I sit back and read the news. People in Haiti, a third world country, were hit while they were down. They have 5 year olds 'working' every day of the week for nothing because thats just how it works. Do you think we hear them complaining about how they dont have the latest fashion accessory ? Or about how they dont get a lavish dinner one of the finest resturants around?
Perhaps its a different version of complaining, perhaps they whinge about how they actually want to eat dinner instead of going hungry or how they want to drink clean water instead of tossing up between infection or dehydration...
It puts things in perspective when your having a bad day...It really does. I have no idea what its like to have a tough life. I have a loving family, I have friends who, although some of them ive never properly met, I certainly trust. I am healthy, smart and I have so many oppurtunities!
So while I may not be rich in money, I am rich in life. And while on days, i sit back and wish for more material things, I thank my lucky stars that I have what ive got!
I heard a quote once, its my favourite quote and if anyone can tell me who originally said it I will be eternally grateful!
'If you cant see the bright side of life; polish the dull side,'
Thats what the people of Haiti are doing, maybe we should all take out our shining cloths and do the same thing.
Poppit xo
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Crimes of a Child
Bullying is one of the most horrendous things about modern society.
I have made someone cry on purpose, once. I didn’t feel proud about it, at all, but everyone around me told me it was ok.
I was in year 12, my brother in year 9. Like older siblings, while I loved to pick on my younger brother, if anyone else did, they were toast. My little brother is an easy target. He has VERY orange hair, ivory skin and is very well built. To top it all off he happens to be Autistic, so at times he can be a little odd. Regardless, I love him. I love him very much!
One day he came over to my friends and I in a distressed state after a well known bully (from a well known bullying family) had picked on him. He was stressed and babbling, he was scared. It distressed me to see him in such a state. My friends and I made sure he was okay and made him very welcome in our group and our activities. It all went swimmingly until the boy who had picked on him walked past, snickering and pointing.
My heart started thumping against my rib cage; I could feel the adrenalin pumping through my veins. For the first time in my life, I was truly furious. Without even thinking about it, I stood up and stormed over to the boy that was making my brother’s life hell. I stopped him in his path and I used my ‘older student status’ to stand over him. I didn’t yell, I didn’t raise my fist, I just very calmly whispered; ‘I don’t know what is so wrong in your life, that you have to come to school and pick on innocent people, in fact I don’t give a flying fuck! I just want you to know that if you pick on my little brother one more time I am going to make your life a living hell and you know as well as I do that I WILL get away with it!’
The little Year 9 boy welled up and ran away from me quicker than I could imagine. What I didn’t realise was, that in the short time I had been standing there giving my little speech, half the school had come to stand behind me.
What was scarier was that I would have been able to make his life hell. I happened to be dating a well known ‘Skater’ boy who was known to be a bit scary (he was actually a sweet teddy bear) not to mention the fact that I was a bit of a good girl at school who had managed to talk herself out of anything.
The reason I am focussing on bullying is because it has been a popular topic in the news the past few weeks. From the stabbing of the young boy in Queensland to the little girl having a knife held to her throat. It’s disgusting... The one story that makes me extremely upset is the one about the boy who was running away from his bullies, only to get hit by a car. Can you imagine how devastated he and his parents must be?
Now Kevin Rudd has come out saying that parents should take the matter of bullying into their own hands! What a complete douche bag response from a complete douche bag Prime Minister. Can you imagine? All I can see is Bogan parents tearing into each other. It would start wars within confines of our schools.
I was lucky enough to have very well grounded parents who were and still are very aware. They would always work WITH the system to restore a safe place for my brother and I to school and while my brother still frequently gets picked on, life is just that much easier for him because my parents are calm in their approach. I know people’s parents, of bullies and bullied, and quite often they are at either end of the spectrum... One side you will have parents who are socially unaware. They would rather have a long conversation with a cushion than deal with real humans, on the other side you have parents who are about ready to storm into any school and punch the first person that says hello.
In my opinion, there is no real solution. There will always be a pecking order within schools. My idea is to make bullying ILLEGAL! Make it an offence that no school has to deal with, but a higher authority. Make it a legal issue. Can you imagine if some of the bullies started having charges filed against them? Little bastards would be VERY sorry and less likely to EVER do it again. Yes I think they should be sent to jail (a special jail specifically suited for them or maybe one of those outback camps) and a permanent mark should be left on their record because let’s face it, the victims of bullying will ALWAYS have the emotional marks!
Sorry for the heavy topic so early on.
Poppit xo
I have made someone cry on purpose, once. I didn’t feel proud about it, at all, but everyone around me told me it was ok.
I was in year 12, my brother in year 9. Like older siblings, while I loved to pick on my younger brother, if anyone else did, they were toast. My little brother is an easy target. He has VERY orange hair, ivory skin and is very well built. To top it all off he happens to be Autistic, so at times he can be a little odd. Regardless, I love him. I love him very much!
One day he came over to my friends and I in a distressed state after a well known bully (from a well known bullying family) had picked on him. He was stressed and babbling, he was scared. It distressed me to see him in such a state. My friends and I made sure he was okay and made him very welcome in our group and our activities. It all went swimmingly until the boy who had picked on him walked past, snickering and pointing.
My heart started thumping against my rib cage; I could feel the adrenalin pumping through my veins. For the first time in my life, I was truly furious. Without even thinking about it, I stood up and stormed over to the boy that was making my brother’s life hell. I stopped him in his path and I used my ‘older student status’ to stand over him. I didn’t yell, I didn’t raise my fist, I just very calmly whispered; ‘I don’t know what is so wrong in your life, that you have to come to school and pick on innocent people, in fact I don’t give a flying fuck! I just want you to know that if you pick on my little brother one more time I am going to make your life a living hell and you know as well as I do that I WILL get away with it!’
The little Year 9 boy welled up and ran away from me quicker than I could imagine. What I didn’t realise was, that in the short time I had been standing there giving my little speech, half the school had come to stand behind me.
What was scarier was that I would have been able to make his life hell. I happened to be dating a well known ‘Skater’ boy who was known to be a bit scary (he was actually a sweet teddy bear) not to mention the fact that I was a bit of a good girl at school who had managed to talk herself out of anything.
The reason I am focussing on bullying is because it has been a popular topic in the news the past few weeks. From the stabbing of the young boy in Queensland to the little girl having a knife held to her throat. It’s disgusting... The one story that makes me extremely upset is the one about the boy who was running away from his bullies, only to get hit by a car. Can you imagine how devastated he and his parents must be?
Now Kevin Rudd has come out saying that parents should take the matter of bullying into their own hands! What a complete douche bag response from a complete douche bag Prime Minister. Can you imagine? All I can see is Bogan parents tearing into each other. It would start wars within confines of our schools.
I was lucky enough to have very well grounded parents who were and still are very aware. They would always work WITH the system to restore a safe place for my brother and I to school and while my brother still frequently gets picked on, life is just that much easier for him because my parents are calm in their approach. I know people’s parents, of bullies and bullied, and quite often they are at either end of the spectrum... One side you will have parents who are socially unaware. They would rather have a long conversation with a cushion than deal with real humans, on the other side you have parents who are about ready to storm into any school and punch the first person that says hello.
In my opinion, there is no real solution. There will always be a pecking order within schools. My idea is to make bullying ILLEGAL! Make it an offence that no school has to deal with, but a higher authority. Make it a legal issue. Can you imagine if some of the bullies started having charges filed against them? Little bastards would be VERY sorry and less likely to EVER do it again. Yes I think they should be sent to jail (a special jail specifically suited for them or maybe one of those outback camps) and a permanent mark should be left on their record because let’s face it, the victims of bullying will ALWAYS have the emotional marks!
Sorry for the heavy topic so early on.
Poppit xo
In The Beginning
I didn’t know how to start a blog, so I’ll keep it short. Firstly, I’m no genius. You will probably come across various spelling and grammar mistakes, less so because I’m un-educated and more so because I’m lazy and don’t proof read. Secondly, I have no running theme, one minute I could be talking about the latest political issue and the next about the latest fashions.
Why did I start a blog? Well, Marie Claire said it was the latest black and I’m a slave for the hottest trend. I did previously have an anonymous blog, but i wasn’t too fond of it as my only reader was my Mum (who I love, but one does crave the opinions of someone who doesn’t have to love you!)
Another reason is because I have a few Twitter friends who write amazing blogs. I became exceptionally jealous of their skill and decided I’d try my hand. Can’t guarantee it will be nearly as good as theirs, but a girl can try.
So, here is my attempt. I hope my posts make you ponder on subjects that probably take up to much of my day.
Poppit xo
Why did I start a blog? Well, Marie Claire said it was the latest black and I’m a slave for the hottest trend. I did previously have an anonymous blog, but i wasn’t too fond of it as my only reader was my Mum (who I love, but one does crave the opinions of someone who doesn’t have to love you!)
Another reason is because I have a few Twitter friends who write amazing blogs. I became exceptionally jealous of their skill and decided I’d try my hand. Can’t guarantee it will be nearly as good as theirs, but a girl can try.
So, here is my attempt. I hope my posts make you ponder on subjects that probably take up to much of my day.
Poppit xo
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