Me a stones throw away from my new house in the North Shore
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything and I feel bad because other blog writers update as much as once a night!
I have come across a few topics over the past two weeks that are worthy of talking about but when I finally became inspired to write I forgot them all. The two things that are well and truly ruling my head at the moment is the difference between Inner West V North Shore and exercise.
I’m sure most of you will be bored to here a full blog on how I started running again and almost died... Cremorne is severely different to Sydney’s Inner west... So. Many. Hills... Let’s just say that my ass and I aren’t the best of friends today...
The biggest and most outstanding difference to me is the Public Transport. Hopping on a bus now (compared to hopping on a bus two weeks ago) is less of a gamble with your life, however, with the exception of a pretty view; it’s a very boring ride. Every second person is either on their Blackberry or they are reading some excessively thick book about an excessively boring topic like ‘How to Watch Paint Dry and Analyse’. I’m a people watcher, so this, for me, is BORING.
The Inner West, you never have to line up for a bus. It’s pretty much a case of the stronger, faster people get on first. You never have to run for busses in The North Shore because, even if you did, you would have to wait in a long-ass line first. You get NO Bogans on the North Shore busses either. They were my favourite people once upon a time. They were loud and obnoxious, but always made people laugh.
I remember one of my first bus rides in Sydney. There were two girls, absolutely off their faces, who clambered on the bus after me. They danced and sang, insulted everybody and then classily, when getting off, threw up on the floor and fell over revealing a whole hell of a lot more crack than a breach baby. Least to say we were all disgusted. Now that I’m riding a bus full of people who would swear to you that they don’t defecate and that, if they did, it would smell of roses, i miss the throwing up, smashed people. The most rebellious thing that happens on a North Shore bus is that someone hasn’t got the latest Blackberry...
Now I’m not complaining about the North Shore. It’s an amazing place to live, beautiful views, nice coffee shops, friendly (most of the time) people and a generally safe area to live. It’s not too far from the city either, which makes me happy.
But I really do miss the craziness of the Inner West. The interesting and unique people, the whacky markets, the smell of all the different foods cooking on Glebe Point Road or Leichhardt’s Norton Street...
I miss the homeless people who, even tho they have nothing, still insist on reminding you that you are beautiful (yeah, I know it’s a gimmick to get spare change, but when I’m having a bad day, I don’t mind sparing $5)
As I stated earlier, I started running again. This is when I really feel like I miss the Inner West. Everybody, different shapes and sizes, could be found on the running tracks in the Inner West. Different fitness levels, people with dogs, cats and even ferrets (yep, saw a guy running with three ferrets once) could be found running down by Blackwattle Bay. Now I’m running along (usually looking like I’m about to drop dead) looking at all the plastic chested women and buff men barely breaking a sweat. I don’t dislike it, it’s nice to see buff men and I appreciate seeing a well worked out woman (its inspiring!).
Its all just a tad different....
I don’t regret my move at all. I’m living with a wonderful guy who I get along with very well, I’m in an area I enjoy and am able to (if I want too), catch a ferry to work. Its wonderful, but like when I moved from the Barossa Valley (South Australia) to Glebe (New South Wales), you miss stuff... This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy my new area, it just means that I’m getting used to my new area.
Where is everybody else? What are the things you love about moving to a new area and what are the things you miss from some of the older areas you used to live?
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